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TotalEnergies is involved in a wide range of CSR activities, helping local communities and causes across the UK. 


Prince of Wales Hospice – 30 for 30 Campaign  

30 for 30 campaign


Total UK is a keen supporter of the Prince of Wales Hospice in West Yorkshire, which provides palliative care and support for patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families. In 2019, the hospice celebrated 30 years since it first opened its doors to patients with its 30 for 30 Campaign, that brought together plenty of fundraising events and activities. 

In 2019, TotalEnergies participated in the hospice’s cyclothon, car raffle, tombola and retail drop-off, where staff contributed re-saleable items that could be sold at the charity’s shops. The results were fantastic; over the course of the year, staff were able to raise a total of £4,565. 


Wensleydale Railway – Total Lubricants 

Wensleydale Railway Donation


At the end of 2019, Total UK donated a year's worth of lubricants to the Wensleydale Railway. Operated and maintained by some 250 volunteers, the Railway operates 22 miles of track that winds between Leeming Bar and Redmire in the rolling hills and picturesque scenery of North Yorkshire. The donation, worth £5,000, will help towards the railway’s running costs, helping visitors continue to enjoy the magic of heritage locomotive travel into the future. 


Let’s Grow Preston 

In 2019, Total UK’s Bitumen Division in Preston began a locally coordinated volunteering initiative alongside Preston City Council to ensure their CSR projects properly benefited the local community. After a poll and general feedback, they decided to pursue TotalEnergies Foundation’s Climate and Forests priority area for the year. The team were then introduced by Preston Council to Let’s Grow Preston – a local charity based in Ashton Park, close to TotalEnergies' offices – that arranged four volunteering projects for the team to take part in. 


Corn Exchange flower beds

Let’s Grow Preston look after several flower beds in Preston City Centre. These are highly visible in the area and require regular maintenance, including weeding and planting up – tasks which TotalEnergies' volunteers gladly helped with. 


 Preston Parks maple tree planting  

As part of the Ashton 100 project that commemorated the park being given to the people of Preston after World War I, the Head Park Ranger wanted to plant some field maples in the park. To help, TotalEnergies' volunteers worked with Ashton Park Ranger Steve Smith to plant maple trees throughout the park, paint park benches and build bird boxes, beautifying the area and providing carbon sequestration. 


Balsam Bashes in Highgate Wood  

The Friends of Conway Park and Highgate Wood hold regular Balsam Bashes, which aim to reduce the harm cause by the Himalayan Balsam; an invasive species that impacts the biodiversity of the area by crowding out native species. Working with Friends of Highgate Wood volunteer Peter Bullman, TotalEnergies' volunteers cleared areas of Balsam and properly disposed of it, promoting native flora in the area. 


Andy’s Bee Meadow  

Andy’s Bee Meadow is a wildflower area and woodland next to the river in Preston’s Broadgate area. It is managed by the volunteer-run Broadgate Resident Action Group, who required assistance planting wildflowers and managing the woodland, tasks which TotalEnergies' volunteers were happy to help with. 


For more information on TotalEnergies' corporate social responsibility activities or how you can get involved, contact our team today.